September Issue = New Start!!


I’m jumping on the blog bandwagon.

This is v scary as I’m a virgin to writing…anything! Even my ‘A’ levels were mustered from cut n pasting York notes and adding spelling mistakes for authenticity!


At work I’m surrounded by creative types (I work in interiors/homestyling). Creative types are people who

a) talk a lot – anecdotedly and with a punch-line/double entendre

b) drink a lot of coffee and

c) know a lot about wine/bars


Boo – My Maltese (partner in crime) terrier is office intern – sometimes. Responsibilities include

*cuddles (mainly), inpromptu growls (when the atmosphere gets tense) and most importantly – my favourite excuse to take a break and give Mr. Luxe/Boo’s Dad a call.

Me, Boo and Mr.Luxe live a lovely, quite often hungover existence in Horsham, East Sussex. We keep things simple – drinking wine (sometimes on school nights), watching reruns of crime dramas (sometimes on mute) and snuggling up in our home/work-in-progress searching the internet for our next must have.


I have a pre disposition for instagramming anything and this will without doubt be the foundation for future posts. Instagram is God’s way of making even a pavement look sexy so I’m addicted!!

My blog is most likely a short lived thing but to quote an instagrammer (why not) ‘do what makes you happy and be done with all the rest’!

If you’ve read this far, I owe you another post… soon x