{diary} M.I. Luxe


I’ve been luxed out of my comfort zone!

Mr. Luxe and I spent the weekend at an ‘intelligence base’ north of Watford

Nothing Intelligent to speak of – just luxing with our holiday homies to share their wedding celebrations!


They: Military

Their Nuptials: A secret R.A.F. base

If I told you where – I’d have to kill you. And if you went… you’d want to kill me!

A million miles from Luxeville…


A wifi/check-in free zone

A place no civvy should visit without a sat-nav and a bottle of Veuve.

A journey even the ‘officer and a gentleman’ soundtrack couldn’t salvage…

We tried.

One tuneful challenge too much.. regrettably the chorus got sabotaged with Luxe expletives at a roundabout.

We arrived super early and checked in to base camp. Shame.


In the middle of nowhere…

Base was basic:

Quilted loo roll for a duvet

Skinny mirrors with their own love handlles



We settled in.

I laid out my party shoe porn. Mr. Luxe headed to the officers mess to catch England wrestle the All Blacks.

Then I got bored…

In search of fresh air and some 3g – I went for a wander.


Five minutes in and freezing in my Burberry mac, I luxed feet first in a ditch.

RIP sexy sneakers

Marant officially MIFFED

Fortunately by the time I’d buried my bad mood and polished off the bubbles – Mr. Luxe was back.

We dressed:


I opted for my own All Black battle garb.

Squeezing into my trusty WOLFORD scaffold (Luxe loves Lycra) it paired nicely with a COS micro mini-skirt.

Over-the-knee Jimmy Choo’s and a matching clutch sealed the deal.

Obligatory Powder Room Selfie. DONE

Cue The Do


The evening was a triumph..


Post dinner – A very Luxe friendly affair  – we buddied up with the barmaid and laid into the free bar..

Choo clutch-candy claimed the best spot

…by the ‘sweet stall’ – any excuse for a mid-jive sugar high.

We relayed between the dance floor and the sherbet lemons like Team GB.

Mr. Luxe has repetitive strain after too much tongue foreplay with the strawberry laces. War wounds.


Then Jager happened

No sooner had Mr.Luxe found my 3g spot – I’d bombed too soon

…and photo boothed too late…

 The evidence – It got photoshopped… thank Luxe!



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