{outfit} summer l u x e

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It’s no secret..

That in summer I suffer with both the heat and with OCSD – obsessive compulsive shirt dressing.

Incidentally, after moaning all month about the lack-lustre summer, we came to heat blows last week when I went to meet Mr. Luxe up in town.

If it hadn’t been for this shirty/pleaty summer dress – the enabler of occasional draft/knicker exposure – how on earth I’d have got there without melting is a mystery.

Passive aggressive queuing on the district and circle + a seat jostle on the jubilee has put me off public transport for life. I even abandoned Mr. Luxe in the Canary Wharf cab line for a respite paddle in the John Lewis loo’s – very liberating, very ‘Shawshank show me the sewer’ shall we say.

I found him outside All Bar One, all bar impressed – he’d wilted into his suit like a day old California roll.

I digress.


Flip through a few of my recent outfit posts and it doesn’t take Sherlock to suss I’m a shirt flirt. And pastel pleats make new season pleasing. So this frock IS, if you think about it, sartorial alchemy.


Along with borrowed-from-your-boyfriend shirting and too-cool-for-school culottes. The collared dress is the fash-forward fix for new season luxing. Not just for summer. The Conde Nasties are citing the collar and cuffs to see us through into winter. Windfall. Woo-hoo.

But for an instant freshen up to your summer wardrobe, collar up, catch up and stay pleated.

And the moral of the tale is this. Weather appropriate luxing is a basic. Ventilation dressing essential.


DRESS by Holly Fulton  – find similar here and here and here, BAGUETTE by Fendi, SHOES by Office buy here, SUNGLASSES by Fendi buy here
