{trend} l u x e kicks


Pointy Loafer Alert.

Yup. The current state of weather affairs (il pleut incase you hadn’t noticed) has officially managed to rub me up the wrong way. August! You’re solar bi-polar. My paws don’t know whether they’re running or sliding, I’ve packed the ballerina’s off on a shoe cruise (shoe bender mender) whilst I wade through the end of summer in soaked paws.

Til now.

Meet my new loafers. Navy and khaki multi-taskers, primed to tread whatever weather, perfect for tacklin/toe-capping a mugger. Pony skin booties, you can have a day off.

This pair I picked up at Dover Street Market, a little impulsively according to Mr. luxe who got straight online to see what £600 could have got him at PC World. So I won’t mention the umpteenth and one high street version hotties, so on point literally with copies.

But for you, on this miserable rainy eclipse of a day, I gift my luxe findings and pave the loafer way.

Some shoespiration…

the b a r g a i n, the c o p y c a t, the o n – s a l e, the b u y – b r i t i s h, the p r i n t – l o v e r

and the o r i g i n a l

Enjoy. L x
