{trend} l u x e like Dior…Merci Me

So truth be told..

The optical illusions kicking off in this dress jacket would give *Copperfield kittens!

*David, not the Dickens

And if I didn’t know any better, I’d say this waist cincher is ad-Dior-able.

Cos between me, you and new parquet pretty isn’t it, magical piece of engineering this jacket puts my waist in the shade


Carbs… come to mama!


Pics were taken in an act of giddiness after I rushed home to show off to Mr. Luxe …..and show girl my socks off with new found land ‘DIOR-WAIST’.

The floor polishers are in so I showed them too.. now for you see below


We’ve been hanging out here for a couple of days now, should probably put some pants on and leave the house. 

Hehe watch this space… 


INSTAGRAM @lornaluxe  TWITTER @lorna_luxe


I hustled hollered and begged to the pr team at Merci Me London for some discount – for me AND my readers – a luxe request! They said yes.. If/when you check em out – checkout code is lornaluxe


CANTERBURY JACKET Merci. 10% off. Merci Me!
