{diary} l u x e running in heels


This fash-week business should be a national sport.

No wonder everyones pale and skinny  – days spent interval training with a dead weight luxe tote will do that to a girl.

Course on reflection it was all good fun. Me racing down Bond Street to catch a show is way more rewarding than me being chased to boot camp luxe gym.

Yesterday was the spring/summer 15 collections LFW last day. Much of which I spent curb swerving, ankle scuffing and occasional posing for the posse (paps). Good news is streetstyleluxe scouting fared well, I shot some super cool kids you can see here. And I found a claret crotched sweater dress in Stella – in the interval.

Expect the next few posts to major in gossip from the FROW and piccies of me walking slow.

For now, I’ve a date with a dry-cleaner and a pooch to pick up.

Real world… #firstworld

L x



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