{diary} l u x e off-white

pleated culottes and organza top



I get ready-to-wear cravings some Sundays. All those advertorials stuffed into my broadsheets. And last Sunday I acted, so that this Sunday I could react.

I’m reacting to this.

7 days and 4 hours ago I haute-footed it to Brighton & Hove and baggsied the last off-white pair of culottes in my size. I  also worked up a sweat when I rescued this top from under a rubble of rayon. She screamed to me: “I’m no Céline off-white seersucker organza but I might as well be cut from the same cheese-cloth” or words to that effect.

She had me at cheese.

So I’m going back tomorrow to buy these.

The end.



CHEESE CLOTH TOP + PLEATED CULOTTES both H&M | FEDORA Saint Laurent see similar | POINTED LOAFER Céline  see similar

wearing h and h chesse cloth turtle neck sweater and pleated culottes