{outfit} l u x e hello …merlot



This is a closet camel u-turn.

Panetone new season Plum is having her first outing.

She’s not shy. I’m an all-or-nothing gal. We went heavy on the coordinates and hopped over to Valentino for backup.

Actually the Valentino swag’s a not so not now, not-for-me big surprise. Surprise gift just taking one for the ‘matchy matchy’ team. Sorry Mr. Luxe, you can open it Saturday.


Ever since I got up close and personally drenched by a Merlot mix, camel pursuits have been placed on pause. Fortunately, I’ve a finely grape tuned palette, so new season plum tones are now plus one to the party.

Plus, this is sartorial survival…

 “it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, but the one that is most adaptable to change”  Charles Darwin

“it’s not that I don’t like drinking Champagne, it’s just roast lamb needs a robust Rioja”  Mr. Luxe


L x



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