{diary} 8 l u x e things you probably didn’t know about me



in no particular order…

1. I’m a pretend tidy person. If you came to my house you’d think, hey, she keeps her s**t ship shape. Then you’d open a cupboard and be met by my alter-mess-ego.

2. I love driving. Mr. Luxe does too. It’s the only thing we argue about. Well maybe that and number 1.

3. I’m addicted to sweets. Anything sugary, I can’t start the day without my coffee, my chocolate, and then my haribo chaser.

4. I’m an only child. It was the best of times… It was the worst of times…

5. I spend a disproportionate amount of time in supermarkets searching for best-price-per-100g of anything.

6. On spend per Choo’s… I don’t look.

7. I get fat days…. I know shock horror. Where I literally wake up and have the hump with this mirror. Nothing a mandrogymous silhouette can’t fix.. Today I’m wearing an oversized Acne Studios shirt and sky high Choo’s to make me feel small #winning.

8. Last, not at all least. I used to HATE red wine, loathed it, swerved it, spat it out… but then I turned 30, got experimental and found a friend mad on Malbec. Tastebuds are finally taking one for the team. Cheese tastes better, lips look pinker, It’s like I’ve been introduced to a whole new world.


L x



shirt ACNE STUDIOS  | boots JIMMy CHOO (though I spotted something similar for £40… sort of luxe for less)


floor-length-antique-mirrorlornaluxe type