{outfit} This dress looks ten times better…

lornaluxe wears green dress with pointed court shoe and socks

with a belt!


And yep, back to my old tricks.

Tricks being sock n stilettos …not street walking incase-u-were-wundrin.


And last week when I popped into base camp Chez Mum, we dug out this belt – with a back-story involving an obsolete buckle and a much better offer.

There’s a happy ending. Promise.

Normally, I’d be arguing the fashion toss over a buckle such as this. As fashion currency, it’s rapidly diminishing. Now it’s about the knot, go skinny-belt or go home. But two minutes in and I was too busy skipping to smugsville with diminishing waist to care – winning.


Course I pulled out all the stops. Cue night time tease/last season silky number – wanting ‘ttention.

It’s a sort of trench cum transeasonal flappy thing, which I’ve adopted as a négligée.

I’m entry level nightwear bare with.

But the cue de maitre of such a ruddy good pairing… well it’d be rude to ignore. This belt does for my silhouette what *facetune does for my selfie.

An optical illusion shall we say. And highly recommended.


Swishy gowns and belts are now my thing.

L x


Still reading? Have more…

{official disclaimer} this presentation was brought to you by an industrial steam iron,  flesh coloured panties and a steady breeze.

*facetune, for when filter just isn’t enough.

zara silk coat and belt green silk dress with belt silk dress with belt + court shoe



NIGHT DRESS that’s actually a coat – Zara here | BELT with a big buckle – All Saints similar here | POINTY COURT Rupert Sanderson here | EARRINGS Orchira UK here

lornaluxe type