{beauty} face actually


Dear skin. I love you.

Don’t have enough hours in the day? Good, me neither.

And I’ve less than 200 hours s**t that’s 8 days to get my face British Fashion Awards ready.

If there’s an award for being fashionably prepared, I’m a contender.


Teatox are treating me from the inside – I collected my Pure Beauty herbal tea leaves ready for morning, noon and night sipping. It’s rammed with nettle, pineapple and a shed load of blossoms which, if they’re to be believed will turn me into a free radical repelling baby face.


Treat The Skin You’re In, the experts behind skin-plumping products like my DNA serum have my BFA beauty back covered. I don’t spend too much time on my face I’m lazy, but a big event or party deserves the anti-ageing arsenal AKA their cleansing gel, toner and secret weapon multi active accelerator.


Let’s let my face do the talking… I’m still without a frock #bestgethunting.

L x


TEATOX ticks the box here | TTSYI the story behind the glory here | ASTIER DE VILLATTE CANDLE from my favourite boutique here

lornaluxe type