{diary} seasonally affected

jimmy-choo-over-the-knee-boots jimmy-choo-over-the-knee-boots


Occasionally I wake up panicked …panic at the fact I have 7 closets and NOTHING TO WEAR.

Yesterday I was there. Add to that a breakfast date with a Parisian goddess and the pressure…. it was up there.

But the truth is, January is a flipping cruel month.

Half of me sale surfing, still scoopable winter bargains to be had.

The other half resort swotting – mentally I’m cruising to cap d’antibes, head-to-toe Chanel Amex-sad.


So feel good frills, don’t-f**k-with-me-boots, a season staple and fur-muffs felt right.


E-commerce misbehaving. New Season suede/denim/70’s slaving …Coming soon.

L x