{outfit} stockholm syndrome


After a well documented euro-trample, I’m finally home and dry.



This not-yet-released biker jacket, I smuggled into my case after a whip around the Lindex HQ in Stockholm.

A souvenir if you will of my sartorial enlightenment in Scandi land – one I’ll no doubt get around to documenting once I’ve unpacked.

And granted, though she’s not THE emblematic Acne Studios version, she’s a tribute to the street-styling Swedes and their enviable I-woke-up-like-this sensibility.

So cool. *Sigh.

L x

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  • pure perfection!


  • Ohh wow! I am going to Stockholm in a couple of weeks, would love to know your fave places to visit there!! (other than Lindex)!

    Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog

    • lornaluxe

      How fab…. Pack me in your suitcase! Aww I wasn’t there long but enough time to dive into the Acne Studios store (a must see) and also check the other boutiques in that area. Promise me you’ll go to the Nathalie Schuterman store (a multi brand concept) it’s a feast for any fashionista hehe… I’m about to blog my trip so will include some more nice things to do xxxx

  • LOVE that biker jacket!! Lust.. looking gorgeous Lorna! xx J’adorais

  • Sussan

    Hi, I love the jacket and dress. Could I ask where the dress is from?