{outfit} take a bow

pussy-bow blouse

Who’d have predicted that summer had it in her to do a midnight flit? In August??pussy-bow blousepussy-bow blousepussy-bow blousepussy-bow blousepussy-bow blousepussy-bow blouse

Me, that’s who. So without further ado, I’m tucking in to all things transitional and ‘new season’.

Two words: Pussy Bow.

If like me you’ve a keen interest in the high performance art formerly known as PINTEREST, you’ll be privé to at least one pussy-in-boots. Noteworthy at this juncture – deliberately not lip glossing ‘cos those bows don’t stay put.

I’m kind of part inspired by Charlies Angels (outfits not hair) and part inspired by Celine 2014  (socks on at all time).

After we’d shot this yesterday morning I headed off for back-to-back meetings; mind-blowing munching at Cecconi’s and mop-ruffles at Hare & Bone counts right? This outfit I suppose is sort of my practical wear – business up top, talking to a therapist below the knee.


 A film crew turned up at the house the other week to shoot me in my walk-in closet and natter about why/how and what affects my dress. I was maybe a little too honest, because I found myself admitting to the fact I choose some looks because I know they’ll sit nicely in my instagram, they’ll photograph well, they’ll secure more likes and ego-stroking affection.

If this sounds like you – hook me up! I can’t be the only one. Can I?

L x

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What I wore:

Blouse Donna Ida Denim | Blazer Eight Slate similar | Skirt Gestuz | Loafers Celiné similar | Sunnies Taylor Morris Ldn | Bag Fendi

Pussy’s on point:

donna ida blouse

mango tie neck blousezara printed blousedolce & gabbana pussy bow blouse