short and sweet

céline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirt

Rewind back to November 1st, when I popped myself on a no-sweets-no-treats-before-Santa’s-been ban.

Basically to give J a fighting chance at filling my stocking with stuff I actually want. Also, to give me a chance at fitting into the lbd I actually have.

céline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirtcéline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirtcéline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirt

It’s been a struggle.

I blame the weather. It’s that tricky time of year when layering kicks in and the sartorial nuances I’ve slaved over all summer are scrambling for cover – mohair knit and cashmere variety. At least this is how I reason my latest ban-breakers. A weighty bag of pic ‘n mix (hiding in the Bal) and this belting pair of Céline Caty sunglasses for the win.

I’m not ashamed to admit I became fond basically obsessed with Céline Caty’s after umpteen close encounters on my instagram feed. A pinterest surf later and that was it I HAD TO HAVE THEM.

Dear Santa Mr. J P Luxe.

Sorry. Not sorry.

L x

céline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirtcéline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirtcéline caty sunglasses and anine bing white t-shirt



skirt | GESTUZ

t-shirt | ANINE BING

cardigan | GESTUZ

lace bra | LINDEX

necklace | SWAROVSKI


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Ph. J. Andrews

All words, styling, silly faces and creative direction my own.