the boyfrenemy debate

boyfriend jeans and chunky knit

As I mercilessly hacked at the umpteenth pair of jeans in my closet last week… I held off from monkeying around with one special pair.

boyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knit

A classic. The skinny-cut boyfriend. Best find yet.

Perfectly oversized, comfortably loose and pleasingly distressed. This silhouette is a go-to for me. So yes, I’m reluctant to start hacking at a classic and slaughter the best boyfriend (sorry J) I ever had. Boyfrenemy tactics like that can keep. I’ve not hunted half the earth for a ‘perfect-fit’ only to potentially force ’em into early retirement when team trim-and-frayed goes out of flavour.

I feel a sort of responsibility to save some favourites from the wrath of fashion-cruelty. Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself a bit of frayed-hem officiendardo – street-style is my jam after all. But like any irreversible upgrade, I know where to stop… stick those Hindmarch stickers on someone else’s Céline.

Do you have a beloved pair of jean threads you’re just not quite ready to go all the Edward Scissorhanding way with?

Let’s connect #boyfrenemy.

L x

boyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knitboyfriend jeans and chunky knit

boyfriend jean | DSLTD JEANS

pumps | DUNE

shirt | GESTUZ

mohair cardigan | ANINE BING (bargain here)

sunglasses | CÉLINE

bra | LINDEX

necklace | SWAROVSKI

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ph. J. Andrews

All words, styling and creative direction my own.