The turtleneck: utterly necessary for nine tenths of the year. In London.
Not that I’m complaining. I’ve been championing neck cruelty or lack of since the 90’s. When Nsync warbled their way to my heart with summertime love and wintertime chunky knits; extra-thick for the sensitive one but close-cut, dark and errr ribbed for the other four.
Today not much has changed. Though turtlenecks and boybands are mutually exclusive and like my fashion tastes, my current glittery-shell-suit-loving pop band aren’t about to dictate my closet.
2016 turtleneck is neither thick nor ribbed, more nan-would-wear-this-under-everything sheer. Choose something with a healthy amount of body constriction, some lycra, luxe stitching, so now.
No sooner did I begin researching shopping for this post, I realised my 2016 turtleneck would need a wing-man too. One to optimise the silhouette whilst ultimately killin’ it in turtleneck styling terms. For this I partnered her with a slightly baggier silk top, because balance, balance is everything.
Notable extras; the gold pendant as a reference to gold hardware on the boots, blouse and bag, the sheen on the jeans giving additional texture and polish, finally the navy blazer which fits like a glove and alludes to a waist when baggier blouse decides otherwise.
Yep, the turtleneck is here to stay. Nsync on the other hand… Bye bye bye.
L x
turtleneck | LINDEX similar on sale
blazer | GESTUZ
stripe blouse | GESTUZ
bag | FENDI
sunglasses | CÉLINE
All words, styling and creative direction my own