long hair is the new boob job. let’s review the evidence


So a month ago I went on a journey of discovery down at the holy land HARE AND BONE

 …a handsome salon which sits conveniently in Fitzrovia betwixt Riding House cafe & street-style nunnery Topshop.

For a whole 3 hours, 2 proseccos and a kitkat I inhaled an entire Vogue magazine cover to cover while the wizards of HARE AND BONE attached 300 colour-matched, ethically sourced, pre-bonded human-hair extensions to my mid-length mop and gave me the follicle version of a boob-job.


LONG HAIR IS THE NEW BOOB JOB. LET’S REVIEW THE EVIDENCEtopshop-jeans-dior-shoestopshop-jeans-dior-shoes

I legit felt like Bella Hadid’s body-double IMMEDIATELY. Ok so maybe not from the front, but seriously, the urge to swish my new mane at mere mortals on the street was insatiable.

For an unapologetic week I spent much of my time walking into people – too focussed on my own god damn reflection in shop windows/car doors/my i-phone. You see I quickly reasoned my heightened status of being supermodel delusion wouldn’t last forever so I had to get as much narcissistic bang for my buck, non?

Better than a boob job.


Will it last forever?

In short no. HARE AND BONE have speculated a 3 month window of opportunity before the chances are I’ll have to have them removed and be Cinderella’d back to reality.

Or I can have them replaced.

In the last month my confidence levels have soared, but so have my blow-dry appointments – keeping my mane at her shiny, happy, waviest best is like chasing the follicle dragon.

I never realised how vain I was. Til now.

Still cheaper than a boob job.


You see for my entire shallowfies twenties, all I ever longed for was bigger boobs and a better car.

In my defence I was later bloomer to both and after accepting defeat on the boob-front, I worked my tits off to pass my test (age 26) and get a beast of a Porsche to make up.

But back to long hair and stepping out the front door feeling like a super-model.


People will tell you it’ll irreversibly ruin your own hair. At every opportunity.

Don’t kill my vibe – like seriously, even my postman has an opinion on my newly adopted mane. Most people do.  

Trust your artist. HARE AND BONE have steered my locks from the brink of no return – it was back last year when I first met Sam Burnett in the Tramshed and after crying over my split ends then drowning my steak dinner. He took pity and invited me to his salon.


Not since 2008, when I had an 18″ weave sewn to my head then promptly lost a patch of my scalp have I finally made peace with my follicles. I’ve discovered OLAPLEX, learned how to pronounce balayage, even made new friends – all thanks to HARE AND BONE.


Trust the method. Hairaisers provided my ethically sourced 22″ mane. All carefully micro bonded into place by Chloe at HARE AND BONE.

She colour-matched it too.

Hairaisers deliver it pre-bonded and in our consultation, Chloe explained that each of the micro-bonds are super light so as not to weigh down on my own hair – plus the bonds are barely visible to the naked eye.

The method’s super new and relatively harmless. So long as the dog quits tugging it. Chloe is a true artist and gave me a bespoke head of locks – not just following the lines of my own partings but adding where needed to create volume and thickness.

Not having glue or sewn-in tracks means I can brush through my hair and run my fingers through it and shake it like a polaroid picture like a legit normal person.


The goal was to have mermaid hair and add thickness.


You had me at HELLO.

L x


BOOK ONLINE or CONTACT Nurun @ HARE AND BONE to book an appointment:

+44 (0) 20 7401 2413


TOPSHOP top & jeans


DIOR shoes

KIKI MINCHIN jewellery

ANINE BING hair scarf

TAYLOR MORRIS sunglasses

Ph. J.P Luxe

In collaboration with HARE AND BONE. All words, styling and direction my own.

Shot in Brighton using a NIKON D810.