I’m a sucker for a slip dress.
From the minute 90’s flash-back slips went flying down the runway last season… I was down.
But so was everyone else.
Yeah I had choices.
Choices like a crippling investment number a la Chloé – with a 2 grand price-tag but a smug-pass to tumblr-ville for the next six months. Or I could dig deep and set off in search of something vintage, ridiculously cool and legit goals.
Oh yeah, or I could trot down to Zara and buy the same one as everybody else.
Cos there is always a but.
I could seek out the good stuff no one else has: the one-off, lesser known designers that reinforce my love for quality shizzle. And not just that, quality shizzle for surprisingly Mr. luxe friendly prices.
First up this silky pink number from Heewan
Not gonna lie, I took a punt ordering from a website that describes itself as well – it doesn’t. But what Korean label Heewan lacks in editors notes and descriptive allure it makes up for in super fast delivery and a sassy dress which i also ordered in emerald green cus why not?
I see this dress lasting the distance – maybe over a silky turtleneck come winter.
Unbelievable budget prices but quality can’t be denied: heewan.com
Ok so a little closer to home.
This dress is from uber sexy, minimal label Zelle Studio.
I found them via my blogger bestie Nicole last fashion week and we’ve been e-flirting ever since. They make small batches so when you see something you kind of have to buy on the spot, but this dress has a weightiness to it (is that a word) that seems to hang in such a way as to be uber flattering from EVERY angle.
Mid priced and worth a nosey: zellestudio.com
Next up (and not shown)
The NONA dress from Reformation.
Nothing pleases me more of late than losing an hour scrolling through Reformation searching for god knows what and imagining how different my life would be were I living in LA and championing sustainable fashion the way I champion sustainable rosé.
A slightly higher price point and YOU WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE STUNG FOR CUSTOMS DUTY but a stellar slip-dress nonetheless: Reformation.com
Right now the intermittent sunshine has me longing to keep my limbs as bare as possible, although styling over a tee or turtleneck in the evenings could be a regular thing as we head to September.
I’m listing some other faves down below but would love to know what your take on this trend is?
I feel like it has so much life left as we approach the autumn.
L x
Unbalance Half-Pleated Dress in Pink – HEEWAN
Sheila Slip Dress in Black – ZELLE STUDIO
Scrappy Sandals – (old ISABEL MARANT but similar)
All words, styling and creative direction my own.