SHALLOWEEN… 8 things I learned about myself in Glasgow


If you’re up to date with my galavanting you’ll know all about last weekend with this Veuve Clicquot crew (Phil, Bonnie, Chez) and the halloween hangover.


You’ll have watched me #MeetTheWidow and be well versed on my Bambah Boutique ruffles and clavicle flashing.

Maybe you even caught the bit where I skipped off the plane in Glasgow fairly confident my single white falafel would soak up the Hutchesons fizztini. Maybe?


But what you didn’t see, was what made me want to write this blog in the first place. And why if i’m honest, I should probably just move up to Scotland and buy shares in LVMH.

So on that note, let me walk you through

8 things I learned about myself in Glasgow:


1- So I’m a food flirt. As in I’m that person who rocked up to an award winning Steak restaurant and ordered crab. Yeh crab, with a side order of cow… it was sublime!

The Butcher’s Shop


2- I’m obsessed with Scottish people. They’re so kind and warm spirited, they open doors and they say hello, they speak to you in the lift and they laugh at your jokes. They let you eat their chocolate brownie dessert and insist you have another cocktail on them.

Meet James and Louise Rusk. People goals.


3- I can’t speak Glaswegian but I can speak French fizz.

Veuve Clicquot


4- iPhone tourettes is legit a real thing. Before my power died I had zero will power putting it down. Like I HAD to take pictures of my food, Bonnie’s food, EVERYBODY’S food… Had to.

Partial blame to the big white plates and pretty foam. But still, I’m deeply ashamed and will try harder.


5- I look better with a mask. Like when will this be a trend I can work into my weekly repertoire? When?


6. Never met a mirror I didn’t like. (i’m joking)


7– It took three people to get me into this dress… but only one yank to get me out… go figure!

…Maybe because i 8 a lot.

L x

{Huge thanks to all the lovely people who hosted us on our trip, to Blythswood Square Hotel for the best sleep of my life, to James, Louise and their entire team at Hutchesons for incredible hospitality and food, to Phil MacHugh for organising a brilliant trip and to Bonnie and Chez for being great company}

hutchesons-veuve-clicquot-glasgow-halloween-masqueradehutchesons-veuve-clicquot-glasgow-halloween-masqueradeSHALLOWEEN... 8 things I learned about myself in Glasgowhutchesons-veuve-clicquot-glasgow-halloween-masquerade-nathalie-tradhutchesons-veuve-clicquot-glasgow-halloween-masquerade


ruffle top and skirt bothe BAMBAH BOUTIQUE


photos by everyone and the fabulous Will McGregor.

All words, styling and creative direction my own. In collaboration with RUSK AND RUSK.