love story


It’s almost here – Valentines Day. A day I like to share with Mr. Luxe and do stuff we love (aged rum mojitos and back in bed by midday). But something’s been bugging me.


His first ever gift to me – a gold engraved bracelet.

I cherished it. But also accidentally chucked it into a spa pool in Switzerland – alas, there a worse ways to go.

Back in 2007 when we got together, gold bracelet and I were surgically attached. I was flying long haul as a hostie through our honeymoon years and often in other countres for half the month – course Luxey and I would skype/text/face-time til we reunited – but my bracelet became my connection to home.

To him.

Luxey was generous to a fault, not just with personalised gold bracelets. Often he’d pick me up from the airport, chauffeur me home while I ranted about the flight, then ferry me and my heavy wheelie into the house and tuck me into bed before speeding back to work. Nobody more inventive – employing the heated seat in his Merc as a radiator for my foil-wrapped marmite on ciabatta if I was delayed. He was and still is a legend.

Official disclaimer: This reads more high maintenance than I am.


Anyway, no matter where in the world I was, catching sight of my bracelet would always make me smile. An arm-candy distraction whenever I felt low, or more factually relevant: felt sorry that I was wrapped around a meal cart at 38000 ft on my hands and knees scooping up vomit and half eaten yoghurts.

A tad fortuitously;  jobs, circumstances, gluten-free rye and even my demands on him have changed. Always wanting to wear my heart/name on my sleeve (pun intended)


In fact for me to even contemplate participating in next weeks annual mojito-fuelled duvet date – I had to find a replacement.

I stayed true to my roots and chose a dainty ‘Love bridge’ bracelet from cult fave Thomas Sabo. Super feminine – still dazzling – but collectable enough to want me craving another come my birthday. Bracelets like these are prime for stacking.

The engraving at Thomas Sabo is complimentary so I had ‘lornaluxe’ scribed on the bridge – this blog is our mutual passion after all. A passion that wouldn’t exist without his photography and supportive oohs and ahhhs.

Though I can’t promise we’ll be so photo-ready on Valentines day. I will promise this. That I’ll be snuggling that man all day long, most likely under a duvet, just me, him and my ‘love bridge’.

The end.

L xxx


love bridge bracelet | THOMAS SABO


vintage levis | REFORMATION

kitten heel pumps | RED VALENTINO pre SS16

bag | RED VALENTINO pre SS16

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ph. J. Andrews

Created in collaboration with THOMAS SABO. All words, styling and creative direction my own.