{denim most wanted} as decided by tumblr


“IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have” and the denim jeans we waited too long to buy AMIRITE?


PULL&BEAR: mom fit jeans

Yup, those sold-out straight-leg vintage-look Vetement’s I toyed with selling a limb for SOLD OUT IN MY SIZE. Those  ‘iconic, sustainable, individual #TheirWordsNotMine Re-Done levis which yup, I also toyed with selling a limb for SOLD OUT IN MY SIZE.

So whadda girl to do?


A Tumblr binge that’s what. One which lead me to an instagram trail and before I knew it I was clicking at the pearly gates of Pull&Bear.

Suddenly the prospect of handing over my credit card digits wasn’t quite so painful.

Sartorial Stockholm syndrome?

Yup. Held hostage to strong copycat game and handcuffed by the promise of next day delivery. It was GAME OVER.

Since my release, I’ve made multiple visits – can’t keep away – securing not one, but five saintly pairs of vintage look (these are my faves) Pull&Bear denims.

*other fast-fashion speakeasies are available. Vetewho?


This pair though. Mom fit?

Not one to be deterred by a name – which incidentally I hate – I took a whole size down and rewarded myself with a bag of haribo. They’re pleasingly hacked-at-the-hem, cost-per-wear formula they’re price point reads practically FREE!!

Reader: They had me at 90’s girl bleached wash ‘tumblr’ goals.

So yesterday I was back again, e-sinning. This time for a wash skinny-fit version on a next-day too. NO REGRETS.


I’ve calculated a sartorial saving somewhere in the region of £6000 so far. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. It’s a fairly safe bet that I’m destined to make another pilgrimage to Pull&Bear this month.

Probably in my new Chanel’s


L x


PULL AND BEAR mom fit in vintage wash or darker wash

PULL AND BEAR long sleeve shirt

CHANEL bag and shoes

TAYLOR MORRIS sunglasses

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Ph. J.P Luxe

All words, styling and direction my own.

Shot in Brighton using a NIKON D810.