LONDON: “that trench was how much?” nothing too farfetched i promise


I invested in this pricey trench coat after she caught my eye on the ‘gram.

Two weeks before fashion month always brings out my online-shopping tourettes.

Internet sleuths Farfetch finally brought home the bacon.. shipping my ‘effortlessly flappy’ number from a boutique in Milan straight to the *front door.

She’s cute non.. but how much??


I wince a little as I write this… bare with


Alexa Chung Trench Coat £790 plus the £5 shipping and the *£3 in petrol owing to two missed DHL deliveries and a subsequent mission to a warehouse in Forest Row.

So trench is ‘an investment’ yeah.

I call anything that costs more than I’ll-probably-admit-to-my-mum as an investment.

But alas she’s a rare-breed filly. Complete with directional lapels and perfectly oversized buckles that elevate her to next level status… truth is you’ll struggle to find her pedigree for sale on the internet.

It was a Farfetch for me.


  Granted she’s eye-wateringly expensive for a city coat. Realistically, I need her moonlighting as my duvet for the next year.

But with season-after-season staying power, a tone of caramel that says ‘i-can-be-subtle-but-still-slay’ and born from the most tenacious threads you could hope for… I know for a fact she’ll be knocking about for decades.

Yep. New flappy trench coat is a sartorial safe bet.

Cue tidy farfetched story I can whip out every fashion week.

L x


Trench ALEXA CHUNG (new season alternative alert)


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Trainers EMY MACK

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In collaboration with FARFETCH. All words, styling and art direction my own.