{trend} l u x e on Ganni #gimmegimme

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Copenhagen Fashion Week Aug 3-8 


Nope not a Brazilian striker, but a label sure to launch a thousand Skandi ships and have us all bare some sportsluxe hip. They scored straight sets on court. And with a hop, some skips and 2015 spring/summer served, Ganni totally upped their CPHFW game – so I know it’s a tad early but pay attention to the name.

Course I know all this, not because I was there – I was at home showing Skandi allegiance, with a NOMA tome, and cod-roe 3 ways – but, the proof was in the pinterest. And mine is now well and truly Skandilised with Ganni getting the lions share of the feed. In fact, ever since I clapped eyes on Ganni’s new kit, I’ve been dreaming in fifty shades of pantone lawn-green. And fingering Surrey Life in search of a tennis coach.

So before the fashionista’s get home and begin referencing chronicles courtside, I’m pitching this post, as a sort of Ganni for beginners: a luxe guide.


Yep. Moments after the movers/shakers of fashiondom foxtrot oscared from the CPH court; off to eat their weight in gravadlax, and sway from one too many *Swedish Wolf’s Paw, my  search for a satin sweatpant began. That, and the agonising will-I-won’t-I decision on whether I white pump wedge my paddles into next summer????

*Swedish Wolf’s Paw – Skandi girl’s Cosmo


Courting tennis chic: the plan

– I’ll toy with – not fully tuck in – to some tennis tackle. I’m reserving closet space and judgement for London and Milan, cos Katrantzou and co are bound to throw a floral spanner in the Skandiworks.

– The luxe fabrics and simple shapes are what Ganni showed best, and lucky for us, a refresh of last season. I’ll buy a white maxi, spend on Gold with Ganni sequins then head straight into the danger zone and dabble with a white pump. The white pump incidentally, is lets face it, is a constant for most London tube tacklers – I’m still on the white pump fence but bare with.

– Finally, I plan to throw in a sprinkling of Ganni green. It’s good. Non? Or maybe luxe around town clutching grass juice in a clear – proof to the world – plastic cup, that’ll last all day (cos more than one sip makes you sick up)

And there we have it. Me, S/S15 ready. Game, set and snatch. And Copenhagen, I’ll be copen-raving come February. But if you’re like me and can’t cope with missing out, I’ve prepped ahead with these bargain sale picks.

So don’t forget the green juice, JUST REMEMBER DON’T SIP!!

L x


DRESS sportsluxe here and here, JOG on here and here,

WHITE PUMP persuading here and here

peek at the show – live stream here

Instagram @lornaluxe—-Pinterest lornaluxe
