{diary} l u x e throwback #300orsodays

iphone pic circa some time last winter ’13


I dug deep for this pic – that’s archeological deep if you’re familiar with icloud.

But it’s good to revisit old stuff and nosey at life before Nikon. Yeh?

Throwbacks to days/places/insta-filters gone by are standard Thursday fare on Instagram. #tbt is the reason I set my alarm 15 minutes early this morning, I like my fix of ‘missing Mykonos’ and ”can’t wait for summer’. Reminds me I need to book a holiday. Plus it’s an excuse to tuck in and share my own rarely seen footage – love reminiscing.

The ‘first attempt at street style’ pic.

Mr. Luxe played camera man – he’s more Baddiel than Bailey – and deserves supportive claps for getting the whole of me in (I was headless for the first 20) . I filtered it to within an inch of it’s life – that’s iphone 3 for you – and I’m looking down not because I’m cool we know I’m not but because the stiletto boots had so much heel I was dosed up on Kwells. #luxedrowsy.

Course that was then. He and I are DSLR kitted up, And we live in fear of a few hundred quids worth of software. Bed-time stories are more ‘technical’ than they used to be. But along with adding blogggaaaaaarrr to my resume, I reckon I got this insta business nailed. So I’m gonna bullet point the luxe tricks….

‘post in progress’ – very open to ideas – please ping!

In the mean time, let’s all enjoy the throw back, whilst I bare my street soul on insta. It’s a friendly community, they better take pity…

L x

instagram @lornaluxe


RABBIT FUR GILET similar here, CASHMERE PANTS similar here, SUEDE BOOTS similar here, LEATHER TOTE Balenciaga here