{outfit} l u x e ahead

I’m just gonna cut to the chase.

For me, this winter-dress malarky feels all too much like a race.


I’ve entered the marathon – pace-maker level – but I’m dressing for a sprint I’m gonna be skint!

Ten minutes after I said sweet dreams to the lacey drilles and frogmarched summer clobber back up to heaven tictail closet

I got this urge to buy into all fall/winter trends overnight.

And by all I mean the ones I fully intend to embrace.


So without further ado, let’s hop, skip, jump to my f/w tips on all things totes trendy… thus justifying a statement of fact – well an Amex statement to be exact.


1. The sock:

Encouraged but not necessary, the sock is but a practical piece of paw garment there to prevent toe friction and smugly reference f/w catwalks. Take lead from Hermes and tuck into ‘Ankle-Donuts’ like the best of em… the test is to look hangry. Hehe.

2. The shoe:

She’ll flat, pointy refuse anything other than a mandrogynous hue – khaki/navy/black – and she’ll occasionally unite with trend 1. If like me you find yourself worshipping at a pricey temple DSM btw, prepare to have your Amex scorched and tell non-Célinophiles to ‘put a sock in it!’ literally

3. The roll-neck:

Like the ankles, the necks are hibernating for the foreseeable. More roll the better I say. Keep your pennies saved for your loafers and get down to M&S for a full on granny knit fest. They do em best.


I’ll be tackling more mandrogyny next week but leave you with fifty shades of beige for the die-hards.

Have a good weekend

L x


Photographer: P. Hopkins


SWEATER Acne Studios similiar here, SKIRT Stella Mccartney, LOAFERS Céline here, SOCKS Cos here, BAG Balenciaga here
