{inspiration} l u x e all black

jimmy choo


I sold my soul to the noir devil donkeys ago ‘circa sometime at uni’

…and now it’s become a ubiquitous luxe pleasure.

All black goodness I like to dish up regularly. So I’ve pitched to Mr. Luxe that we make ‘Black Fridays’ a thing.

A thing which comes with a takeaway tikka – that’s to tickle his fancy. A thing where I throw in a renegade rioja  – that’s to tipsy his balance-y. Then a thing where I argue there’s more reason to get more Choo’s in.

Watch this space.

All Black Fridays…. I’m on the case.



SHOES Jimmy Choo | CANDLE Diptyque | MAKEUP PALETTE Bobbi Brown | NAIL POLISH Chistian Louboutin
